About Us

Affordable Prices & Accurate Results

Friendly & Experience Staff

Latest Technology Equpiment


STARK is a 10-year-old diagnostic facility, that provides specific diagnoses at a faster rate. It facilitates quick clinical outcomes. We are offering high-quality diagnostic services at affordable prices. 

STARK DIAGNOSTIC CENTER is offering more than 1500 tests, using the most specialized & innovative technologies. Laboratory is a complete automated clinical laboratory with experienced clinical expertise in every specialty. All technical staff is competent with more than 20 years of laboratory experience.

Our History

We are serving from 10 years. All our patients are happy and joyful to take services from stark diagnostics.

Our Mission

We Strive to provide a quality and professional work. We are committed to serve patients with high quality diagnostic services for a better outcome and that results in continual improvement of our services.

Our Vision

Stark aims ans aspires to provide best diagnostic services wih continuing medical education.

Why Choose Us ?

Our Experts Team

Dr. Shailaja

M.B.B.S, MD Microbiology

Dr. M. Reshma

M.B.B.S, MD Pathology

Dr. Dakshayani Patlolla

M.D. Biochemistry

Our Center Gallery

With over a decade of experience.

We'll ensure you always get the best results.